Hello Doctor Mohan, with much gratitude I am writing to show my deep appreciation to HILTON and also for your awesome support all through my time of using your life changing medication. Perhaps you might have forgotten. Quick reminder, I contacted you 3 years ago, and I told you, you were my last hope of being cured from temporal lobe seizure or will have to end my life. I’ll never forget the encouragement I received from you that I should never give up, “that when dawn is near, the night gets darker.” I have prayed you build a blog one day, where I can share my story so others would read and have a reason to fight on. I know you receive hundreds of testimonies; I pray mine will be published one day.
I was a High School teacher until my retirement from classroom. Back when I was a teaching, I prided myself in my excellent memory. Having the ability to recall facts, speak eloquently, and mentor others, was all I lived for. I was having a nice life, jobs was going fine until one day I noticed that my memory wasn’t what it used to be. I was struggling to recall and retain facts. This was what I did with ease. I struggled to increase my study time and pace, because I felt I was not doing enough. As the year progress, I discovered that the more I studied, the less I recall. I thought I was having dementia or age was really catching up with me. At 50 years, I had spent part of my life sitting down reading everything on ink and print. As time progressed, symptoms became frequent with other complications. As a result, I visited my doctor who advised I should visit a neurologist for proper diagnoses.
My visit to a neurologist proved I had what he called Temporal Lobe Seizure. Well before them, I have heard of epilepsy, but temporal lobe seizure wasn’t a familiar word I had associated with epilepsy. I went for further search in the internet; talked to doctors I know and even talked to epilepsy foundations to broaden my knowledge of what I’ll be facing.
There were lots of constraints living with epilepsy. I had to abide with certain do’s and don’ts I wasn’t used to. The first down side was that I had to surrender my driving license. Yea! How painful that was. It means I had to depend on someone to drive me around. I felt like I was being watched. Like my freedom had been taken away from me. They were other rules. Like the kind of exercise I should engaged in and foods. In spite of keeping to these rules religiously, my seizures were getting worst. Phonation and other drugs which are Anti-epileptic drug were prescribed to try and stop my seizures, but none proved suitable. Instead my liver reacted badly to the first drugs. The second drug failed to control the seizures. I began to feel very dejected and for the first time started to feel depressed. Suicidal thoughts became so real. I looked for every opportunity to risk my life and just die to have final rest from it.
On these epileptic days of my life, my son took care of me, drove me around and ensures I stayed on my meds. I was told by my doctor never to take a single break without taking my meds. Hell! I obeyed. I don’t want to die. But ironically, these Conventional Medications were killing me. I know they were, but I was scared of dying from SUDEP from what I have read.
In desperation, I started visiting neurologists looking for a cure. Because I had stayed on these English medications long enough and I have not gotten a cure except more complications. I wanted other natural alternative devoid of side effects created by Phonation and other anti-seizure drugs. Well, my search continued until someone suggested Herbs as a better alternative to treatment. But what do I know about Herbs, I am not an Herbalist so I know little about Herbs. I did more findings on various blogs where I saw lots of comment where people shared testimonies’ of being cured from what I called chronic epilepsy. Mine was just partial or focal as I learned. Herbs had cured people diagnosed of generalized seizures, so mine won’t be an issue.
I needed to get Herbal medication for my seizures. So I read a lot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning HILTON Anti-seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a blog on HILTON didn’t find one. I just followed the email address of Doctor Mohan that was shared on these testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from Dr. Mohan. I followed his instruction, used HILTON in less than 2 months, my frequent seizures reduced drastically. Within a period of 5 months, I was cured. I went back to my neurologist, where I was checked up and marked epilepsy free.
Long story right… I can’t say all this in 10 lines, but if you are reading this, I want you know that HILTON is the main drug for you in the cure for epilepsy. It worked for me; I believe it will work for you also. Again, Thanks Doc as I believe you will share my story.