Wednesday, November 11, 2020




Hello Doctor Mohan, with much gratitude I am writing to show my deep appreciation to HILTON and also for your awesome support all through my time of using your life changing medication. Perhaps you might have forgotten. Quick reminder, I contacted you 3 years ago, and I told you, you were my last hope of being cured from temporal lobe seizure or will have to end my life. I’ll never forget the encouragement I received from you that I should never give up, “that when dawn is near, the night gets darker.”  I have prayed you build a blog one day, where I can share my story so others would read and have a reason to fight on. I know you receive hundreds of testimonies; I pray mine will be published one day.

I was a High School teacher until my retirement from classroom. Back when I was a teaching, I prided myself in my excellent memory. Having the ability to recall facts, speak eloquently, and mentor others, was all I lived for. I was having a nice life, jobs was going fine until one day I noticed that my memory wasn’t what it used to be. I was struggling to recall and retain facts. This was what I did with ease. I struggled to increase my study time and pace, because I felt I was not doing enough. As the year progress, I discovered that the more I studied, the less I recall. I thought I was having dementia or age was really catching up with me. At 50 years, I had spent part of my life sitting down reading everything on ink and print. As time progressed, symptoms became frequent with other complications.  As a result, I visited my doctor who advised I should visit a neurologist for proper diagnoses.

My visit to a neurologist proved I had what he called Temporal Lobe Seizure. Well before them, I have heard of epilepsy, but temporal lobe seizure wasn’t a familiar word I had associated with epilepsy. I went for further search in the internet; talked to doctors I know and even talked to epilepsy foundations to broaden my knowledge of what I’ll be facing.

There were lots of constraints living with epilepsy. I had to abide with certain do’s and don’ts I wasn’t used to. The first down side was that I had to surrender my driving license. Yea! How painful that was. It means I had to depend on someone to drive me around. I felt like I was being watched. Like my freedom had been taken away from me. They were other rules. Like the kind of exercise I should engaged in and foods. In spite of keeping to these rules religiously, my seizures were getting worst. Phonation and other drugs which are Anti-epileptic drug were prescribed to try and stop my seizures, but none proved suitable. Instead my liver reacted badly to the first drugs. The second drug failed to control the seizures. I began to feel very dejected and for the first time started to feel depressed. Suicidal thoughts became so real. I looked for every opportunity to risk my life and just die to have final rest from it.

On these epileptic days of my life, my son took care of me, drove me around and ensures I stayed on my meds. I was told by my doctor never to take a single break without taking my meds. Hell! I obeyed. I don’t want to die. But ironically, these Conventional Medications were killing me. I know they were, but I was scared of dying from SUDEP from what I have read.

In desperation, I started visiting neurologists looking for a cure. Because I had stayed on these English medications long enough and I have not gotten a cure except more complications. I wanted other natural alternative devoid of side effects created by Phonation and other anti-seizure drugs. Well, my search continued until someone suggested Herbs as a better alternative to treatment. But what do I know about Herbs, I am not an Herbalist so I know little about Herbs. I did more findings on various blogs where I saw lots of comment where people shared testimonies’ of being cured from what I called chronic epilepsy. Mine was just partial or focal as I learned. Herbs had cured people diagnosed of generalized seizures, so mine won’t be an issue.

I needed to get Herbal medication for my seizures. So I read a lot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning HILTON Anti-seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a blog on HILTON didn’t find one. I just followed the email address of Doctor Mohan that was shared on these testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from Dr. Mohan. I followed his instruction, used HILTON in less than 2 months, my frequent seizures reduced drastically. Within a period of 5 months, I was cured. I went back to my neurologist, where I was checked up and marked epilepsy free.

Long story right… I can’t say all this in 10 lines, but if you are reading this, I want you know that HILTON is the main drug for you in the cure for epilepsy. It worked for me; I believe it will work for you also. Again, Thanks Doc as I believe you will share my story.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020



It has been my desire to share this story as an appreciation to HILTON Herbal Medicine which completely and permanently cured my grandchild of seizure. I know it is confusing for every mother when their child suddenly develop seizures. I would not want to bore you with my story as a young grandmother. I will be brief as possible in sharing my story about HILTON. I hope our story inspires you to believe and never give up because HILTON is a true cure to fit.

My grandson developed seizure after he got injured during vaccination at 6 months old. I was new to such challenge because he is my first grandchild. As expected, the first step we took was to visit a pediatrician and a neurologist. He was examined and the doctor recommended he be placed on KEPPRA. We did that and watched with hope that he will improve. Initially, his seizures were very frequent. His parents were afraid and confused. We visited doctors again and his medications and dosage were changed. More complications resulted from its use. In spite of that, we had hope he will be fine as long as we kept to his prescriptions given by doctors. Months turned into his first birthday, with more complications rather than cure that we stopped his conventional medications.

Our search for a cure was a passionate one. We were not desperate, because being a child, we could not offer him just any medicines to avoid complications. We successfully weaned him of his conventional medications and opted for homeopathy treatment which we had little breakthrough as his seizures frequency reduced. We could not achieve that while he was on English medications. I have had a good wealth of experience with herbal medicines as our parents brought us up to appreciate herbs. Initially when his seizures became so frequent, I recommended herbs but my daughter and her husband were skeptical, they later gave in after we had spent a lot of money on doctors without getting results. You know the love you have for your child and you wished you could trade places so they can have their lives back. It was a terrible pain in our heart to watch every episode of his seizures, which he had over 50 daily. 

I began my intense search for effective herbs that could help his seizures. I believed there was a way out. I read all I could about herbal medicines, visited blogs and websites. I devoured all articles I could find on the internet on natural cure to help him. Actually I made a lot of contacts of claims of persons who said they offer cure for seizure. It was all cheap scams. I was angry of those taking advantage of those already sick. When I read Seizure Cure blog of Doctor Mohan, I was impressed by what I read but I had doubts too, you know anyone could claimed to be anything. I thought he was actually like anyone with fake claims for a cure for seizure on the internet. I was hesitant but I am glad I did made the move in late 2015. Dr. Mohan was a caring father who took up my grandson case with zeal to help. Lesley used HILTON as prescribed in a space of one month, we observed his seizures became controlled. We continued till seven months as Mohan instructed, and we got a breakthrough. It has been 3 year he became seizure free.  No sign or symptoms of it after using HILTON as treatment. I am glad I took that step to send an email to Mohan.

I am not a sales person, I only shared this story because I promised Mohan that I will if my grandson got his cure which he did 3 years ago. If you think your child had seizures and you chose to opt for natural cure, HILTON remains the best alternative. This is not a scam, I am a grandmother and cannot reduce myself to lying. I hope my story helps in any way. If it does not, I wish you find elsewhere too. The health of your loved one is far more important than doubts. Like Mohan said in one of his email to me "the road not taken, you do not know where it leads".

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Arnold Testimony


Hallo Dr. Ajay, wie geht es dir? Tut mir leid, ich kann nicht auf Englisch schreiben, aber ich vertraue dir, was du übersetzen kannst. Mein Name ist Benno, ich und meine Frau schreibe aus Deutschland und danke für deine Medizin HILTON. Es hat wirklich an der Epilepsie unseres Sohnes gearbeitet

Bevor wir Sie kontaktieren würden, dachten wir, wir hätten Arnold verloren, bis uns ein Kollege HILTON vorgestellt hat, den sie für die langjährigen Krampfanfälle ihrer Tochter nannte und nach 5 Monaten Gebrauch geheilt wurde. Wir haben uns nie geglaubt, weil Ärzte, die wir besuchten, uns erzählten, dass unser Kindbeschlag nicht geheilt werden kann, also hatten wir wirklich Angst und weinten, während unsere Kinderbedingungen jeden Tag schlimmer werden. Ist wie zu sehen, wie dein Kind vor deinen Augen stirbt, und du kannst nichts tun, um ihn zu retten. Doc, danke für HILTON, westliche Ärzte waren alle falsch über Arnold, er fand Hoffnung in deinem Med.

Unser Sohn, Arnold, war ein Student, als er seinen ersten Anfall von Anfall hatte. Er war ein extra helles Kind, das seinen Traum verfolgte, um Arzt zu werden. Er war leidenschaftlich über das Fahren. Arnold war immer für seine Freunde und Familie da. Er war großzügig und nachdenklich von allen in der Familie, das machte ihn dazu, seinen Traum zu verfolgen, um ein Arzt zu werden. Er war das Lieblingskind meiner Frau. Er wollte schon immer Leben retten und darauf hinarbeiten. Aber traurig 2008 August, wachte er in ER auf.

Arnold sollte uns zum Picknick an diesem verhängnisvollen Tag fahren. Er liebte es zu fahren und war immer bereit, uns überall zu nehmen, wo wir hin wollen. Wir waren schon im Auto und warten darauf, dass er sich auf den Weg machte. Sofort öffnete er die Kabinentür, er fiel zu Boden und fing an zu wichsen, rollte auf dem Boden und drückte seine Zunge aus, die wir aus dem Auto herausschreckten. Es war das erste Mal, dass er ihn in einem solchen Zustand über 19 Jahre seines Lebens sah. Seine Krankheit war immer klein, was med kann leicht kümmern, aber nichts wie das, was wir sahen, dass am selben Tag. Verwirrt, ängstlich, stürzten wir ihn in den Wagen und fuhren ins Krankenhaus. Er wachte auf, konnte niemand für etwa fünf Minuten erkannt werden. Als er sich wieder erholte, fragte er, was mit ihm passierte, wir konnten keine Antwort geben, weil wir es auch nicht wussten. So begann Arnold mit Epilepsie zu kämpfen. Er wurde mit großartiger Epilepsie durch den Neurologen, den wir besuchten, diagnostiziert. Uns wurde gesagt, dass es keine bekannte Heilung gab, dass wir nur mit Medikamenten kontrollieren können.

Als die Jahre wegrollen, wurden Arnold-Anfälle so häufig; Er hatte unzählige Krampfanfälle in nur einem Tag! Seine Erziehung wurde in die Warteschleife gestellt; Er musste aufhören zu fahren und viele andere Dinge. Wir mussten uns an seine Art von Krankheit anpassen. Epilepsie war nicht das, was wir vor seinem Fall wissen konnten. Unser Kind leidet schrecklich vor Stürzen, gebrochenen Knochen und Verletzungen. Wir haben uns daran gewöhnt, ihn zu beobachten und ihm zu helfen, Sachen zu machen. Arnold wurde auf Dutzende von Medikamenten gelegt; Uns wurde gesagt, dass er diese Medikamente ohne eine Pause nehmen muss, sonst werden andere Effekte entstehen. Diese Medikamente hatten bereits extreme Auswirkungen auf ihn, von Hautausschlag, Blutungen und hohem Fieber. Wir haben uns so verängstigt, als er anfing, sich selbst zu töten. Selbstmord! Das war seltsam, wir konnten uns nicht einfach hinsetzen und unseren Sohn umbringen. Seit 6 Jahren nimmt Arnold Hunderte von epileptischen Medikamenten. Die Häufigkeit seiner Krampfanfälle war so schwer; Diese Drogen funktionierten nicht nur.

Ich wusste nicht viel über Epilepsie, bis mein Sohn eins hatte. Also habe ich es auf mich genommen, meine Erkenntnisse zu machen. Ich suchte nach einer besseren alternativen Behandlung oder was auch immer diese Medikamente wegnehmen wird. Ich las Blogs, über Kräuter, aber ich war nicht überzeugt, weil sein Neurologe uns erzählte, dass ihm keine Heilung bekannt war. So gehorchten wir uns seit sechs Jahren. Mein Durchbruch kam, als ich mir einen Mitarbeitenden über die Not meines Sohnes anvertraute. Bis dahin hielt ich mir das ganze Epilepsie-Ding, denn ich las Geschichten von Menschen, die wegen Angriffe stigmatisiert wurden, also wollte ich meinen Sohn vor Stigma schützen.

Meine Kollegin sagte mir, dass ihre Tochter einmal Beschlagnahme hatte, aber sie heilte sie mit HILTON Kräutermedikation für nur 5 Monate. 5 Monate! Und mein Sohn war seit 6 Jahren im westlichen Medi ... Sie teilte Dr. Mohans E-Mail mit mir, wo ich ihn für seine Medikamente für meinen Sohn kontaktierte. Er gab Anweisungen darüber, wie ich zu seiner Kräuterbehandlung umschalten sollte. Vor allem war ich glücklich für seine moralische Unterstützung, während mein Sohn seine Medikamente benutzte. 2 Jahre war jetzt, mein Sohn hatte nie einen einzigen Anfall nach Beendigung seiner Behandlung mit HILTON ... .. Ihr Med wirklich funktionierte schneller als westliche Drogen, die er für sechs Jahre nahm. Ich bin glücklich, seine Geschichte zu teilen, um anderen zu helfen, die das gleiche Problem zu sehen.

Heute ist Arnold wieder auf den Weg zu seinem Traum .... Er sagte mir, er erwägt, eines Tages als Kräuterarzt zu arbeiten ... lächle ... ich hoffe du wirst ihn willkommen heißen? Nochmals vielen Dank für HILTON!